A Recap of Her Week at the Ranch 7/11

What a week. We have literally received hundreds of emails. Bucki has so appreciated the support. Your encouragement has not only blessed Bucki, but also her family. Bucki has two of her sisters and mom with her around the clock. As well as a couple of close friends and neighbors, Joni, Val, and Wendy. Gail Holmes and Gayle Karanges have been great additions, in and out over the last couple of weeks. Danny Miller and Tom Holt have provided great "security" and have been a true blessing.

Bucki is comfortable, and such a sport! She never complains, well almost never.... We did have to call Security aka Danny in to help with a medicine that she was not in the mood for. He did as any good friend would do, listened compassionately and then responded with, "Shut up and drink the shit!" We have all learned that medicine is always taken better after a good laugh!


We were blessed to have a time of worship and communion at the house with Bucki's Pastor and wife (John and Joyce). The smile on her face and peace of His Presence made us aware that there is no fear for her future. Her passion for horses is exceeded only by her passion for the Creator of those horses and all else. She has lived a life in love with Him and one that honors her Lord, Jesus.


She is a bit weaker but free from pain and soaking the love of all, via cards, gifts sent to Horsemen for Christ, emails and food brought to the family. Your prayers mean more to us than anything else and we sincerely appreciate all.