A Beautiful Time of Worship 7/22

Bucki and her family were not blessed with the best of singing voices, however they do not shy away from praising the Lord. Joni Johnson with a wonderful voice led the rest of the croaking frogs in a beautiful time of worship singing the old hymns and praising God. Bucki was so beautiful as she worshipped her creator, much like she has done her whole life on the back of a horse!  

No More Hi-Lo 7/22

When Bucki's sister, Joanie, won up to $10k in there personal betting ring not involving actual money.... Bucki told Gail Holmes, "You have to watch her. She acts like she doesn't understand cutting and she is dumb like a fox!" Needless to say Bucki is happy to play with the others, but has eliminated some of the competition. She continues to keep us laughing and we have decided that 40 something years of one-liners and smart A** responses have surfaced this past week. She is a riot!

Unique & Special Gifts 7/21

During this time Bucki has received some very special gifts. Including poems, special artwork drawn just for her, sneaking animals into all kinds of places, food runs to anywhere at any time, special creams, ice cream, times of worship, and everything in between.... the latest gift came from Bucki's oldest sister Peg, she cut 12 inches of her hair off and donated in Bucki's name to Locks of Love. This was a gift of love that is precious. Much to their mom's happiness after pleading with Peg for years to cut her hair, Peg decided this was gift that she could bless her sister with and it did! Bucki's spirits are great and encouraged daily.

What time is it anyway? 7/17

This is a time of sweet laughter and precious moments that we will treasure forever. Clocks have no value as night and day are so similar as we are ready to enjoy conversation with her whatever the hour. At 3 am, Wendy Stewart (A neighbor and Joey's original mom) stumbled to her side, blanket across shoulders, limping after tripping over Joey in the dark. Bucki greeted her with "Geez Wendy, you look like a troll!"

"Cowboy-Up" Bucki Style 7/17

One thing we do know is that this tough "Ride to the Herd" has created a new term amongst her friends and family. During this battle with cancer, Bucki's response has been gracious and humorous as we subject her to medications and moving her or working on her--all by non-pros in her circle of family and friends. We have coined a term, from the original "Cowboy Up", for her tough, yet gracious response to all of us and this situation--"Bucki Up!" It not only means to step up to the challenge but to do it with grace, humor, courage and even and sense of gratitude.

Driving or Not 7/16

Well anyone who knows Bucki, probably knows that she loves practical jokes. It has been fun reading some of the emails and hearing more stories then we even knew about....Well her good friend and neighbor Val, an interior designer, decided that even though Bucki may not be driving she still needed a little "bed decor". Getting back at her friend, Val posted a license plate at the top of her bed reading, "I don't have a headache, I give em!" This is not the first appearance of this sign.... Bucki placed this on Val's car a few years back, who did not realize it until she was pulled over by the police for "covering her license plate" .... so although Bucki may not be driving anywhere, she is still as fun as ever!

BlueBell oh BlueBell 7/15

What is it about ice cream that makes almost any one feel a little bit better? I am not sure, but Bucki's 3 am cravings all revolve around a special basic Vanilla and Chocolate mix that her niece gave her a while back when she was in the hospital. Somehow this always hits the spot 3am, 7am, 2pm, 9pm... yes this now daily pattern although the exact time may fluctuate it always ends with a sweet and sugar filled smile!

Give Me Your Best Guess 7/15

Well Bucki might not be in Ft. Worth, but she is watching it. All day we have the laptop on so she and the family can watch along with her at the ranch. She has been having fun, having her non-cutting family guess Hi-Low based on her score..... she is always the winner surprise, surprise! It has been hard for her not be there, but is rooting for her friends and loves being a part of the show even in spirit.

A Recap of Her Week at the Ranch 7/11

What a week. We have literally received hundreds of emails. Bucki has so appreciated the support. Your encouragement has not only blessed Bucki, but also her family. Bucki has two of her sisters and mom with her around the clock. As well as a couple of close friends and neighbors, Joni, Val, and Wendy. Gail Holmes and Gayle Karanges have been great additions, in and out over the last couple of weeks. Danny Miller and Tom Holt have provided great "security" and have been a true blessing.

Bucki is comfortable, and such a sport! She never complains, well almost never.... We did have to call Security aka Danny in to help with a medicine that she was not in the mood for. He did as any good friend would do, listened compassionately and then responded with, "Shut up and drink the shit!" We have all learned that medicine is always taken better after a good laugh!


We were blessed to have a time of worship and communion at the house with Bucki's Pastor and wife (John and Joyce). The smile on her face and peace of His Presence made us aware that there is no fear for her future. Her passion for horses is exceeded only by her passion for the Creator of those horses and all else. She has lived a life in love with Him and one that honors her Lord, Jesus.


She is a bit weaker but free from pain and soaking the love of all, via cards, gifts sent to Horsemen for Christ, emails and food brought to the family. Your prayers mean more to us than anything else and we sincerely appreciate all.

What a Party 7/6

What are friends for? Well, Gail Holmes is at it again, no she is not hiding in a shower this time, but still making every effort to bring Bucki a smile. She brought Wilbur, one of Bucki's favorite geldings, up to the window yesterday afternoon so she could pet his face. Bucki could not have had more fun. Today has been great, being home is the best!


Home Sweet Home 7/5

Bucki has transferred back to her home. Her response when asked how the ride went was, "Man, that was fun." She is all smiles with Joey right next to her. The transfer was great, and she was a trooper. Another brother and two more nieces arrived today from California. The "Camp" is in full swing, and the grill will be going tonight.

4th of July 7/4

Fireworks or not, we are not missing any BBQ's, her brother-in-law, Charlie, brought home-cooked hamburgers with all of the fixings to "Bucki's Camp" at the hospital. The nurses have been great, as we have overtaken the corner of the floor and made ourselves very comfortable. No chair goes unclaimed if it makes it into the hall. Bucki had a terrific night, resting and enjoying the day. We have all laughed at some of the great memories you have been sharing. Thank you from all of us at the "Camp".


Family 7/3

Bucki has been blessed to have another sibling, her Brother Bob and family arrive today from California and Texas. She has had a restful afternoon, and is enjoying her family. She is enjoying the emails and appreciates all of the prayers and support.

A Dog Story 7/3

Bucki had a special visitor yesterday afternoon. Her favorite little four legged pal, Joey. Her little Jack Russel Terrier, was brought in by some friends in a Gucci bag. We were caught by the Doctors, even though Gail tried to hide him in the shower at one point. The eventful afternoon brought big smiles to Bucki.